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Are you open and are you accepting PFAS from the tunnel?No we are not currently open. We are not accepting PFAS from the tunnel or anywhere else.
Is the large soil stockpile contaminated and is it going to stay there?The soil/rock/clay stockpile is clean material removed from the site. It will be removed to be used for any civil works that require it or it may be used on site to cover/cap other cells.
Do you monitor the air quality?We use an independent EPA approved professional to monitor the air for air borne asbestos. There have never been any readings that have been of any concern or exceeded EPA allowable limits.
Why was the tip on fire?Long before we assumed ownership the tip accepted general demolition waste (wood, bricks, steel, plaster, plastics etc.). These materials were never disposed of in a designated approved cell. These materials were never compacted and covered as per EPA regulations. When this happens it leaves the opportunity for air to get in the stockpile and create a fire. Our job is to eliminate this problem once and for all.
Do you dispose of dangerous chemicals on site?No we have never accepted and are not licensed to accept chemical waste.
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